Life Coaching 

Learning is about more than just a training programme. None of us are robots after all – and that includes our Trainees and Voulenteers. 
We also know that people learn best when they feel safe, supported, and when distractions subside. And we know that people feel best when they’re living, or working towards, the life that they want to lead. 
Goals are set, problems are discussed and worked through, and where required, personal and social skills are developed. 

A Dedicated Life Coach 

Our dedicated life coach works with our Trainees one-on-one, giving them personalised support, useful strategies, and a safe space to talk when they need it (brew included). Goals are set, problems discussed and worked through, and personal and social skills and situations improved. 
Of course, we are well aware that most of us can be pretty hard on ourselves. Sometimes, we all need a reminder of how hard we’ve worked (and how great we are), which is why R-evolution have proudly adopted the Humber LEP Employability Passport – a tool by which trainees can measure and provide evidence of the changes they’ve made, and the skills they’ve learnt. It provides tangible, pocket-sized proof that ‘I can do this” - and who doesn’t want that? 

How to Apply? Application Criteria: 

18 or over 
Eligible to live and work in the UK 
To apply contact Francesca on 07869 674909 or email [email protected]